Mother Earth, Our Power Provider
All of us at Capistrano’s Bakery take the subject of Sustainability very seriously. We do everything we can to protect Mother Earth. When you come by our bakery, you will see a massive display of solar panels up on our roof-top, in an effort to capture as much energy each day from our sun as possible… and lighten the power demand from our power provider.
ZERO goes to the City Dump!
If you walk through our bakery, you will see various containers situated in numerous locations in an effort to contain cardboard, paper, metal, plastic, aluminum cans, flexible plastic, wooden pallets, plastic containers, and wire. Our goal: ZERO goes to the City Dump!
On an on-going basis, we constantly “shop” for whoever is paying the highest price for these commodities so that we get paid as much as possible for all that we re-cycle. Our goal: use the funds we receive from re-cycling to help others who are in need in our Zip Code.